Alice and her husband are Ugandan farmers and proud parents of two children. They own an acre of land where they raise animals and grow a variety of crops from bananas to eggplants and cabbage. Alice strongly believes that her children need an education and she would like to see them go further in school than she did. Her farm, however, wasn't producing enough crops to allow her to save for their school tuition. One day Alice met Charles, her local Grameen Foundation Community Knowledge Worker (CKW), and everything started to change. With the help of a specially-equipped mobile phone, Charles taught Alice how to control pests and diseases that had plagued her banana plants. Soon, Alice began to notice a difference. Not only was she growing more bananas, but the bananas were larger and higher quality as well! In the past, Alice fed her animals banana leaves, but they often got sick. At Charles' recommendation, Alice is now feeding them corn and bran – and they are rarely sick. Many of the changes Alice made to her farm were inexpensive, but they have resulted in much higher profits for Alice and her family! Your support makes it possible for CKWs like Charles to help neighboring farmers like Alice earn more money from their farms. Thanks to you, Alice and her family are now making enough money to save for their children's education. She even hopes that they will be able go to college one day and pursue any dream they might have. Your compassion and generosity is helping so many poor women like Alice build a better life today and have hope for a brighter tomorrow. Thank you! Farmer Mabel Empowers Her Neighbors to Improve Their Coffee Crops  Mabel is a hard-working mother of six in Colombia who spends each day farming coffee. Until a year ago, she and her family worked as coffee bean collectors on someone else's farm. But through a special loan, Mabel and her husband were thrilled to be able to purchase a small five-hectare farm (roughly 12 acres) of their own. Mabel is committed to making her farm successful and with your support, she is helping others do the same. Mabel was elected by her neighbors to be a Grameen Foundation Community Knowledge Worker (CKW). As a CKW, she uses a specially-equipped mobile device to answer farming questions and help her neighbors increase the amount and quality of coffee they produce. Since becoming a CKW 19 months ago, Mabel has been pleased to see improvements within her neighborhood, such as the switch to a safer and more environmentally friendly pesticide and better quality coffee harvests. As a woman in a prominent leadership position, Mabel is a role model for other women in her community. Thanks to you, she feels empowered by the knowledge and leadership skills she has gained as a CKW and is inspired to help other women achieve their dreams. You can learn more and watch a video of Mabel on our website! How You Can Fight Poverty Right Now Let your voice be heard! Our annual supporter survey is now available for a limited time and we'd love to hear from you. Won't you take 5 minutes to give us your feedback? Thank you so much for your support and sharing your thoughts and opinions. We can't do this poverty-fighting work without you! |