A message from Dr. Keith Fargo
Keith Fargo, Ph.D. Director of Scientific Programs and Outreach Alzheimer's Association |  | | | | | Dear Tushar, Over the past few days I've had the chance to collaborate with so many other scientists like myself dedicated to ending Alzheimer's, and I couldn't be more excited about the future. I have some promising developments from the Alzheimer's Association International Conference®2018 (AAIC®) to share with you. You may have seen them in the news this week. First, results presented from the federally funded SPRINT MIND Study showed significant reductions in the risk of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and possibly dementia through aggressive lowering of systolic blood pressure. Additionally, Eisai Co., Ltd. and Biogen Inc. announced additional results of a Phase II clinical trial of a drug called BAN2401. Though the primary analysis results of the study at 12 months were reported as negative in December 2017, the researchers reported positive results at 18 months on several of the secondary outcomes, including reduction of amyloid plaques and improvement of cognition and function. Although a larger confirmatory trial is needed, we are cautiously optimistic about the Phase II clinical trial results of BAN2401. The Alzheimer's Association International Conference® 2018 (AAIC®) in Chicago may be over, but we still need your support to help advance the care, support and research that is vital to ending Alzheimer's disease. Right now, the world's foremost Alzheimer's investigators, clinicians and care providers are traveling back to labs, university classrooms and health care facilities around the globe. They'll arrive home brimming with knowledge, thought-provoking questions and the motivation to get back to work. We must make sure they can do just that. We're counting on your support now more than ever to keep this critical research moving forward while providing care and support services — and to one day, end Alzheimer's. Please make a gift today to support our mission to eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Tushar, by donating today, you'll help lead us in our efforts to provide care and support, and advance research toward methods of treatment, prevention and, ultimately, a cure. Thank you for standing with us as we fight this devastating disease on every front and continue to offer help and hope to everyone affected by Alzheimer's.
Keith Fargo, Ph.D. Director of Scientific Programs and Outreach Alzheimer's Association | | P.S. Please make a gift today to help us end Alzheimer's. The support of friends like you makes it possible to help affected families through our care and support programs and to advance critical research efforts. Thank you for your commitment. | | | | | | Your donation will strengthen our efforts to advance Alzheimer's care, support and research. From face-to-face support to online education programs and promising global research initiatives, your gift makes a difference in the lives of all those affected by Alzheimer's and other dementias in your community and across the world. Thank you for your continued support. | Alzheimer's Association National Office, 225 N. Michigan Ave., Fl. 17, Chicago, IL 60601 © 2018 Alzheimer's Association. All rights reserved. 800.272.3900 | alz.org® | Donate Please add info@alz.org to your address book to ensure you receive all future emails. View your email preferences or unsubscribe.
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