Dear Tushar, I wanted to touch base to see if you've had a chance to read my email from this morning about our exciting $50,000 3X Match Challenge. If not, could you take a moment now?
Until midnight tonight, you have the chance to make 3X the impact in the fight against Alzheimer's. This incredible opportunity is thanks to our generous supporter, Michelle Palomera, who has offered to triple match all gifts, up to $50,000, to support Alzheimer's research in memory of her husband, Ken Sullivan.
Time is running out for this special 3X match. Please make your gift now, while it can still go three times as far to help provide care and support and accelerate critical research that can one day end Alzheimer's disease.
Thank you in advance for your generosity today. You make it possible for us to further our mission to lead the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.
Sincerely, Donna McCullough Chief Mission and Field Operations Officer ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Donna McCullough, Alzheimer's Association Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 To: Tushar Hossain Subject: ⏳ LAST CHANCE: Tushar, you can still make 3X the impact. | | Final chance — this match ends at midnight. You can still achieve 3X the impact. | | | | | Dear Tushar, There has been so much momentum behind our $50,000 3X Match Challenge, and I'm inspired by the support of our community. But I'm counting on you — please make a gift now that can go 3X as far on the final day of this incredible challenge.
Longtime supporter Michelle Palomera has agreed to donate $50,000 and has offered to triple match your contribution until midnight tonight. Her gift will support Alzheimer's research and is in memory of her husband, Ken Sullivan, a devoted husband and father to two young daughters, who was diagnosed with younger-onset Alzheimer's at 47 and lost his battle just five years later. "I feel strongly that we must find a cure, and more investment is needed to fund research," Michelle says.
Please show your support in the fight to end Alzheimer's today, on the final day of this 3X match challenge. This is your last chance, and I'm urging you to please give now.
Until midnight tonight, this $50,000 match challenge can make your gift go 3X as far in the critical fight against Alzheimer's disease — providing much-needed care and support to individuals and families facing Alzheimer's and accelerating research.
At the Alzheimer's Association, we're inspired by the compassion of dedicated community members like you. We're grateful for your interest and we would truly appreciate your support today — at this critical time when we have an extraordinary opportunity to make 3X the impact.
Please give today while your impact can be tripled — up to $50,000. |     | When I talk to our supporters, I find that many have a loved one who is living with Alzheimer's disease. Some have lost someone dear to them. And others are concerned about the chance of developing Alzheimer's, which increases with age.
"This disease has touched just about every person I know in one way or another," Michelle said.
Tushar, you know what matters most to you. And I'm sure you might know the facts about this devastating disease. One in three seniors dies with Alzheimer's or another dementia. It kills more people than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. And between 2000 and 2019, deaths from heart disease have decreased 7.3% while deaths from Alzheimer's have increased 145%.
This challenge ends at midnight, which means you only have a few hours left to make a gift that can go three times as far in helping to further our mission to lead the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.
Please make a gift that can be tripled in impact now.
Thank you for your support,  Donna McCullough Chief Mission and Field Operations Officer P.S. We are a caring community. We all do what we can, and give what we can, to work toward our vision of a world without Alzheimer's and all other dementia. Please don't miss your chance to make a gift to fight Alzheimer's now — while your support can go 3X as far.
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