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Stand with us against hunger


As the month of September comes to a close, we are reminded of the thousands of individuals and families who will be visiting our food pantries this fall in search of food assistance. With the increased cost of housing, utilities, gasoline and groceries, the number of families in need in our communities is on the rise. 

Our food pantries rely on the help of generous donors like you to keep our shelves stocked and our doors open. We ask that you take action this month and stand with us. Please consider donating to our food pantries or volunteering to help us distribute food to the individuals and families who need our help.

Join us as we Stand Against Hunger and help us make sure that everyone in our community has access to the nutritious food they need to thrive.

  • Donate – Shelf stable, non-perishable foods like pasta, canned fruits, vegetables, meats, soups, and stews, peanut butter, protein bars, baby food, rice, and cereal – or hold a food drive!
  •  Volunteer – Volunteers support our work every day. Volunteers are needed for morning, afternoon, and evening shifts. You can volunteer just once or on a regular basis.
  • Spread awareness – Like and share posts on the United Way of Tri-County’s social media channels including FB, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube.

Thank you for your continued support of the food pantries of the United Way of Tri-County.

Paul Mina,
President & CEO of the United Way of Tri-County
Run, Walk or Hops to the
Jack's Abby United Way 5K
Register today for this fun 3.1 mile run/walk through Framingham on Saturday, October 14 at 10AM. Proceeds to benefit the programs of the United Way. The Beer Hall & Kitchen and outside beer garden will be open after the race.

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