CALLING ALL SUPER HEROES! Help United Way by becoming a Fundraising Super Hero!
All proceeds from your registration fees and fundraising will directly support the program you selected when you registered.
Feeding the Hungry Run/Walk to support Pearl St. Cupboard & Cafe in Framingham, Marlborough Community Cupboard in Marlborough or WHEAT Community Connections in Clinton!
Suicide Prevention Run/Walk to support Call2Talk the statewide suicide prevention and emotional support line which is part of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Early Literacy
Run/Walk to support Ready to Read United Way's early literacy initiative supplying 12 age appropriate books each year (1 for every month) to children from lower income homes.
To Become a Fundraising Super Hero!
Fundraising is optional, but we hope everyone will take advantage of the opportunity to
create a fundraising page and ask friends, family, and co-workers to support them. |