Just 72 hours to triple the impact of your support during Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month. | | | | | Dear Tushar,
When I received this exciting news, I wanted to share it with you immediately because I know you're someone I can count on. A generous donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, just pledged $70,000 to support Alzheimer's research. They are offering this incredible match challenge and giving you the chance to triple your impact to help provide care and support and accelerate research during the final days of Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month. But you only have three days to take advantage of this amazing opportunity.
Before Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month comes to an end, you have this special opportunity to triple the impact of your support — please give generously to support the Alzheimer's Association during this $70,000 3-Day 3X Match Challenge. Your gift can be triple-matched, up to $70,000, but only until June 30.
Please give generously today, while your support can go 3X as far. |     | Today, more than 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease — and their loved ones, communities and, of course, caregivers are also impacted. By 2050, this number of those living with the disease is projected to rise to nearly 13 million. We urgently need your help to address this escalating crisis.
We're going to need all our valued members of our community, like you, to contribute if we're going to reach our match goal. I can't thank you enough for being a partner in the fight to end this devastating disease.
Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month is a special time when our community comes together to spur conversation and action around this escalating health crisis and raise funds to fight it. Your help is needed now to support every aspect of our mission to lead the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.
Your generosity can help accelerate research through our current investment in more than 920 active best-of-field projects in 45 countries. It can also provide care and support resources for people impacted by Alzheimer's, including our free 24/7 Helpline (800.272.3900). Just think of all the people who will get the help and support they need because you gave generously today.
In fact, your triple-matched generosity can have an incredible impact in so many ways. You will help: - Ensure our resources, like our Community Resource Finder and ALZ Connected®, are always available to those who need them and that our in-person support groups continue to flourish.
- Advance critical research, so we can learn more about this progressive and fatal disease. Your support helps us continue to accelerate research toward methods of treatment, prevention, and, ultimately, a cure.
- Help our advocates play a critical role in our efforts to influence Alzheimer's and dementia policy at the federal and state levels.
Because you've shown a strong interest in our work by joining our community, Tushar, I'm asking you to please make your first gift before Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month ends, while it can be tripled in impact during our $70,000 3-Day 3X Match Challenge. Thank you for being someone those facing Alzheimer's can truly depend on.
Thank you again. I'm so grateful to you for your commitment and generosity, and I appreciate your support today.
Sincerely,  Liz Adams Chief Development Officer P.S. This $70,000 3-Day 3X Match Challenge ends June 30. The clock is ticking — and the only way we will meet this challenge is if our best supporters, like you, contribute before the deadline. Will you please make a gift that can be matched 3X today?
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