Alzheimer's Association International Conference® 2022 (AAIC®) July 31-August 4. Your help is needed to fuel progress in the fight to end Alzheimer's. | | | | Dear Tushar,
We're all counting on researchers to advance new diagnostic tools and treatments and, ultimately, achieve a cure for Alzheimer's disease. Because we're all at risk.
But as a scientist, I can tell you that progress doesn't only happen in a lab. Progress happens when leading researchers from around the world come together to discuss their work and collaborate on promising investigations.
That's why I'm excited to tell you that our annual Alzheimer's Association International Conference® 2022 (AAIC®) begins on Sunday in San Diego and online. At AAIC, the world's leading scientists, clinical researchers, early career investigators, clinicians and the research community gather to share breaking discoveries that will lead to methods of prevention and treatment, and improvements in diagnosis for Alzheimer's and all other dementia.
As someone who has shown an interest in the work of the Alzheimer's, you can have an impact on the progress that's taking place by making a contribution to accelerate research, as well as help provide care and support.
As Chief Science Officer of the Alzheimer's Association, I know that only by continuing to invest in research can we hope to find a cure for Alzheimer's. It's research that creates breakthroughs and makes advancements toward a cure possible.
As we look ahead to this year's event, please watch this special video we've prepared for you about what happens at AAIC.
And the best way to advance crucial scientific investigations is to bring leading researchers from the field together to share news and updates about their discoveries. That's what AAIC makes possible. The more we support collaboration, the more we accelerate progress — together.
Your support helps make AAIC possible, and when you contribute to the Alzheimer's Association, you help to accelerate vital research and provide care and support. Please help to provide the support that is needed to advance the fight against Alzheimer's by making your first gift now.
Tushar, by giving today in support of the Alzheimer's Association, you'll help to advance our mission to lead the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia — by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.
AAIC begins this Sunday and continues through August 4. I'll be there, along with other members of the Alzheimer's Association team. I'm looking forward to discussing the latest research with my colleagues and learning how we can support the progress they're making. We're all looking forward to sharing updates with you.
After all, it isn't only scientists who are leading the way to a cure; your financial support can help push research forward, too, along with providing care and support that so many people need. Please don't stand on the sidelines — join as a supporter by making your first gift now.
Thank you so much. I'm very grateful for all that you do.
Sincerely,  Maria C. Carrillo, Ph.D. Chief Science Officer P.S. AAIC is the place to learn about all the latest developments in Alzheimer's science and for dementia researchers from around the world to network, share and collaborate. When leading minds come together, great things can happen. Please help with your gift today.
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